Monday, November 17, 2008

Welcome to My Corner of the World!

Welcome to my little corner of the universe! This is my feeble attempt to share things happening in my life.

First, a little summary of me: I grew up in Kimball, MN in a beautiful spot surrounded by water, woods, dirt and grandpa's farm - who could ask for a
nything more?! To this day my family's home is my favorite spot on earth to be. I was the 'creative child' - always putting on plays, and writing songs and stories (I prefer to call them stories, even if Mom and Dad did seem to like the term 'lies' more).
I have an insanely incredible family!!!! I have 3 'grown-up' siblings, plus 5 awesome adopted siblings still at home, plus a whole crew of aunts, uncles and cousins - many of whom double as both family and best friends today!
I also have a beautiful and Christ-like husband. We were married last May, and I still find it hard to believe sometimes that I have been given such an amazing family of origin plus the chance to start a great family with him now too! Add to that some of the best, funny and faithful friends there are, a unique and important ministry position, and many educational and experiential opportunities in our world, and you've got very lucky me!

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