Saturday, December 11, 2010

Snow Day!!

‘ Twas a few weeks before Christmas, and all through the house

not a creature could get out, not even a mouse

The yard was all covered with snow up to there

in proof that Mother Nature could take a dare.

The baby was nestled all snug in his swing

With visions of what a weekend of torturing Mom and Dad could bring.

And Dada in his wind-pants and me in my hoodie

Were settling our brains on the naps that could-be.

When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter,

We sprang to the window before it could shatter.

Away with the grill cover, the wind did blow

Tore open the courtyard with a gusting of snow.

The snowplow on the sidewalks covered in new-fallen snow

Made a heck of a lot of noise for the apartments below.

When what to my wondering eyes should appear,

but a shoveling man, bundled from boot to ear.

With a little cute baby, so silly and sweet,

I knew in a moment, this was a snow-day to beat.

More cold out than the arctic, we’d stay inside,

And watching Christmas movies, all day we would hide.

Now “Elf,” now “Christmas Story,” now “White Christmas” and “Grinch,”

Now “Charlie Brown” and “Muppets' Christmas Carol” will do in a pinch.

To the end of the movies, to the end of each one,

Now laughter, and tears, and Christmas spirit – such fun!

As the snow, falling and blowing, did continue to fly,

And the wind outside whipped things to the sky,

Up in the living room our naps we did take,

With the kitchen smelling of Christmas cookies and cake.

And then in a twinkling, we woke from our rest,

and the dirty laundry put my energy to the test.

As I folded and put-away, and was turning around,

Out from the bedroom came Lexi kittie with a bound.

She was fluffy with fur, from her head to her tail,

And Adrian tried to grab her with his sharp little nails.

A pile of toys he had strewn all about,

And he looked so darn cute as he started to pout.

His eyes-how they twinkled! His cheeks, how rosy!

And don’t get me started on his cute, chubby toesies!

He’s our pride and joy, and we love him like crazy,

And love even more spending a day with him, just being lazy.

The stump of the tree outside covered with drifts,

And the custodians taking turns shoveling in shifts.

But inside we’re all cozy, a family all lovin’;

What more could we want, but a bowl of cookies fresh from the oven.

We are happy and snug, a bunch of right jolly old folks,

And we laugh as we play together, and at our silly jokes.

With a wink of his eye, “I love you,” Mike said,

And I know in my heart I have nothing to dread.

We need not speak a word, but go about the day,

Knowing that nestled as a happy family we’ll stay.

And laying his finger as best he can to his toes,

And giving a grin, up from his nap Adrian rose.

He springs back to life, and to his parents gives a giggle,

And away the quiet flew as he starts to squirm and wiggle.

But I exclaim as I watch my two handsome sweet men,

“This is the best snow day; please, Lord, let us do it again!!”

Happy Snow Day to all, and to all a safe night.

1 comment:

Jolaine said...

I love your poems!! So cute!!

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