Thursday, November 5, 2009

Halloween Heaven

Mike and I hosted our second annual Halloween party - and it was a blast! Check out some of this year's guests...

The bow-hunter

The elderly couple (our contest "best couple" winners....who also made the best dip...yummm!!)

Hannah Montana & Billy Rae

Little Red Riding Hood (our contest "best individual" winner, even without the hood)

The Cat & Mouse (despite the intoxicating noses)

The Princess Bride & Dread Pirate Roberts (and their R.O.U.S)

And last-but-not-least, the (however inappropriate) "Smart-ass" & "Dumb-ass"

In addition to laughing at our creative & CrAzY friends, we also had lots of fun bobbing for apples...

And you're never too old for....TWISTER!!

Thanks to everyone who came & made it a fun (and at times scary) Halloween night! Can't wait until next year!!

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