Lilly Elizabeth
was born on Friday, June 24th, 2011
At 9:16am
Weighing 6 pounds and measuring 18 1/2 inches long.
was born on Friday, June 24th, 2011
At 9:16am
Weighing 6 pounds and measuring 18 1/2 inches long.
She is very healthy, and a beautiful and content little girl!
So far Adrian enjoys being a big brother (or at least enjoys looking at and trying to play with the new little thing in the basket). He's doing well, and we pray the transition continues to be all right for him.
Her Mom and Dad are doing well too. I had no idea it took so few seconds for my husband to fall in love with another woman, but boy has he! :)
Me too.
Thank you everyone for your prayers, visits, and well-wishes, etc. We can't wait for everyone to meet this little darling, and for her to meet the wonderful family and friends that surround her.
We are blessed beyond belief!!!!
For a few more pictures, Lilly's hospital portraits available at: Our365 Webnursery